PUMPKINS 2 10/12-10/15

                           🎃 PUMPKINS 2 🎃

We hope everyone had a relaxing three day weekend with their families.  😊 

The Quarter Notes had four more days to explore pumpkins and how they grow. We read a bunch of books about how a pumpkin grows from a seed, sprouts, grows into a vine, flowers, and becomes a pumpkin. (Books: Pumpkin Circle; The Story of a Garden by George Levenson, From Seed to Pumpkin by Wendy Pfeffer, and How Big Could Your Pumpkin Grow? by Wendell Minor). 

The children used this new knowledge to put sequencing cards in order, and created a pretend pumpkin patch with blocks and faux pumpkins and vines.  

To demonstrate how a pumpkin grows on a vine, we kept celery stalks in our rainbow water to soak up the color, much like a stem gets it's nutrients to help grow a pumpkin. The bottoms of the stalks were just starting to soak up the food coloring on Friday.  

The Quarter Notes finished gluing their pumpkin seeds inside of their math books and made beautiful illustrations in a new book that told the growing cycle of a pumpkin (seed, sprout, vine, flower, pumpkin, REPEAT). 

Pumpkin scented playdough was out at the art tables. The class used rolling pins and cookie cutters to make fun shapes or treats! 

*The Quarter Notes had their pictures taken on Wednesday.  Everyone did a wonderful job and looked adorable! 😍 

* Animal Adventures came on Friday morning. We saw snakes, lizards, a chinchilla, lion rabbit, hedgehog, and an alligator! The kids were all so brave! It was a lot of fun. 

*MANDARIN: Sang songs (Happy Birthday and Goodbye song), repeated vocabulary words (eyes, nose, eyebrows, mouth, hair, and ears), learned hat and counted how old we were (either 2 or 3). 

Curriculum below from Mrs. Mei:


*How old are you? I’m ____ (candles on birthday cake)

*Happy Birthday Song

*Facial : Pick & Draw (eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows, ears, hair) Q, W, H

~ Peishuan


* SPORTS: Stretching, rainbow strings, chicken coop game. 

                😊 HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND! 😊

         Alison Dressler                    Dana Mathews

Dalia: "Ta da!"

The playdough was scented with allspice so it smelled like pumpkin pie! 🥧 

Zinnia carefully counted and glued her pumpkin seeds into the pumpkin math book. 

Are you cooking with pumpkins, Shawn? 

No matter who is using the phone, they're usually talking to Mommy. 

Playing gas station. ⛽ 

Celery stalks: Day 1

The class was asked what they thought would happen to the celery.  Most agreed that it would change or look different.  

Ms. Dressler's son, James, had his Senior/Varsity XC 
Day on Tuesday.  He's worked so hard and has been running for 6 years now! (7th to 12th grade) 💙

Dalia loved stringing the beads so much that she made two bracelets and a necklace.  💎 

Looking handsome for picture day, Michael! 📸 

Nice work, Aashvi! 😊

Bonjour, Melody! 🥐

Choosing which eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows, and ears to make a silly face! (Choices made in Mandarin)

Where is the Cat? Each child finds the kitten and speaks Mandarin.  

Soil to plant the pumpkin seeds in. 

We made a pumpkin patch out of Styrofoam pumpkins. First, we "planted" real pumpkin seeds, then we stuck vines (green lacing strings) into the styrofoam, and attached faux flowers (previous sequencing activity). 

Lucy planting a pumpkin seed. 

🤞 These seeds will actually sprout! 

Happy Birthday, Zinnia! 💜

Egg carton pumpkins 🎃 

Aw! So cute! 😍 Michael and his friend, Penelope.  

Look at these great stretches! !

Great butterfly, Lucy! 🦋 

Great plank, Melody! 

Chickens in the coop. 🐔 

Pick up those chicken eggs, Aashvi! 🥚 🐣 

We wrote our names and looked at the words together. No one is expected to write their names or read, but it's good to start recognizing letters in their names and know that printed words having a meaning, as well as the direction that pages in a  books are turned. 

These are great pumpkins, Melody and Michael! 

Brave kids below! 😱

