DIWALI 11/01-05

                               🕯  DIWALI 🕯

Thank you to everyone for taking the time to talk with us via Zoom. We love seeing your children everyday, and are happy there are alternative ways to connect when in person isn't an option.  

This week we celebrated Diwali (Festival of Lights). Diwali is a significant five day festival that includes fireworks, colored sand rangolis, feasts, and lighting diyas. 

The goddess, Lakshmi, roams the earth looking for homes where she will be welcome.  It is believed that Lakshmi cannot enter a dark home. So houses are lit up by diyas and lanterns. 

We made our own rangolis using chalk outside of the entrance to the Quarter Notes room. We hope they will bring us good luck! 

The children were read books that explained what Diwali is as well adaptations of Hindu stories during circle time. 

Examples of diyas were put out to touch and observe at the art table.  The children made their own diyas using air drying clay. When dry, the diyas were painted bright colors and decorated with beautiful gemstones. The Quarter Notes were very proud of their finished products.  We "lit" the diyas with battery operated candles.  

Dobber decorated cupcake wrappers numbered one through ten. The children could count the discs and put them in numerical order. Pony beads were provided for one to one correspondence. This activity was done with friends and one on one with a teacher to help anyone struggling to recognize the numbers.

Examples of rangolis were showed to the class. We then colored in our own and created chalk rangolis outside of the Suzuki doors. 

                 🎂 Happy Birthday to Celeste! 🎂 

MANDARIN: Colors (new colors pink, black, and white were added). Vocabulary review. Color Yoga.

MUSIC: Learning Thanksgiving songs. Mississippi Stop Stop to the drum beat. 

SPORTS: Rainbow strings and stretching.  

              🎆 Have a wonderful weekend! 🎆

     Alison Dressler                        Dana Mathews 

     Examples of diyas 🪔.  

Colorful numbers.

Using the clay to make diyas. 

Using a fork to create designs in the clay. 

Friends putting numbers in numerical order. 

The clay diyas on the drying rack. 

Al fresco tea party. 🍵 


An adaptation of a Hindu story. 

Painting our diyas. 

Counting 7 beads. 

Counting 5 colorful Pony beads. 

 A beautifully illustrated book about Diwali traditions. 

Working hard to write a friend's name. 

Everyone had fun choosing gems, then gluing them onto the diyas.  

Each child was giving the opportunity to pick a color and do that yoga pose.  The class then said the color and pose they thought it matched.  

The Quarter Notes are such good helpers! We're the first group outside at 10:30. Sometimes the slides are wet and need to be wiped down with towels. Thanks, friends! 😊

Aashvi said she was making soup. 😋 

Melody made spaghetti and meatballs.  😋 

Coloring rangolis.

Safety first! 🤣

Working hard with the tools. 💪 

The rangoli paper was flocked. The children had fun feeling the soft flocking on the paper. 

You look beautiful, Aashvi! Happy Diwali! 

Completed diyas. 

Ms. Lisa's cat, Sophie, likes to sing with us! 

Getting ready to learn Thanksgiving songs. 

Can you guess what the song we're learning is about? 

Playing a game in/singing a song in Music class. 

Making chalk rangolis outside of our classroom door. 

Beautiful rangoli, Zinnia! 😍 

Such sweet friends.  😊

There was a lot of talking and cooperating on Thursday! Good job, Quarter Notes! 

The Quarter Notes not only cooperated, but problem solved! Many people worked together to position the see-saws next to each other.  They went up, then down at the same time. ❤

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Celeste!!! 🎂 
