Fun Things To Do....

              🎨😎 Fun Things To Do 😎🎨

Hello Quarter Note families! We just wanted to take a minute to say how much we'll miss our little friends during our leave of absence.  We're thinking of you and hope everyone is staying safe, having fun, and trying to stay sane during all this uncertainty.

Hopefully, you're able to enjoy some of this beautiful weather we've been having. If you find yourself in need of some inexpensive and fun activities, we came up with things that may help to pass the time.

1) Go on a scavenger hunt! Make a treasure map with some art supplies and hide some treasures outside. Your map may have your child count steps, finding an object, or collecting clues before they find the hidden treasure.

2) Dance party! Be really silly and put on dance parties (or puppet shows) for your family.

3) Math! Anything can become a math lesson. Counting collected pebbles or twigs from a Nature Walk, Cheerios at breakfast time, etc.

4) Science! Just asking your little one to guess what they think will happen next is a great why to learn how to hypothesize.  But, making concoctions in the kitchen sink (Good old baking soda and vinegar) is a fun way to pass the time as well.

5) READ, READ, and READ some more!

*Our families loved to read under forts.  Once the children have started to really get into it and start to play with each other,  you may be able to start to work while they're occupied.

 Mrs. Crugnale has had fun outdoors with her husband and son, Rocco. Ms. Dressler's teens tend to socially distance themselves anyway, 🙄 so there's been lots of house chores completed.

*Some fun photos of our families and animals are below. We hope the kids enjoy seeing a little snippet of our home lives.

*Some great resources when you need to work or have some down time are:


       Alison Dressler  Kristine Crugnale
