🍗🌽🍇 Thanksgiving Feast 🍇🌽🍗

This week was short, but busy. The Quarter Notes have been singing their Thanksgiving songs all week while playing and, of course, during music class. Deb sent out a link of the performance.  Everyone did a great job singing! We even learned how to say Happy Thanksgiving during our Mandarin class. 

Friends had fun pretending to make Thanksgiving meals with the toy kitchen food during free play. Their meal combinations were pretty creative.  😊 Food stickers were put onto paper with a plate,cup, fork and spoon.  The children used crayons to draw the food they would be eating on Thanksgiving day.

The Quarter Notes love to do puzzles.  They made a picture of a Pilgram and Native American by putting numbered strips of paper in numerical order. We practiced writing the letter Tt and made kindness cards to hand out to our family on Thanksgiving day. There are a lot of kind friends in the Quarter Notes. They love to talk about their family, friends, and relatives. ❤

Ms. Lisa taught the class the game, Blue Jello. The game helps the children to begin how to read music. They learned blue, jello, and rest in patterns.  The Quarter Notes caught on quickly.  Because of this, I decided to start patterning earlier than I normally would. We glued Pilgrims and turkeys in an AB pattern on paper. 

When you have a feast you must make Pilgram placemats. The Pilgrims are wearing masks, but still look adorable! We used the placemats during our classroom Thanksgiving.  Thank you for all the  contributions.  The class had a blast and enjoyed the variety of foods. 

Mandarin: Happy Thanksgiving,  family members, Thanksgiving video teaching with Groovy Paul. 

Music: Thanksgiving songs, Blue Jello game introduced.  

Sports: No Sports 

* Wishing everyone a happy and healthy         Thanksgiving!

* We will return on Monday, November 30th. 

                        😊 Alison Dressler 😊
